The lines between service and sales continue to blur, and failing to treat every customer or prospect interaction as a value add opportunity will be, in the end, a shareholder value loss. 服务与销售之间的界限正在变得日益模糊,如果不能将每次与用户或潜在用户的互动视作一次增值的良机,股东最终也会蒙受损失。
The increase in extent of interaction between humans and the geo-environment results in the sustained increase in population hit by geo-hazards and economic loss during high-speed socio-economic development. 在区域社会经济建设高速发展阶段,人类与地质环境相互作用程度加重导致地质灾害造成的受灾人口和经济损失绝对量是持续上升的。
Each interaction produces an energy loss and deflection. 每次相互作用都引起粒子能量损失和方向偏转。
With physical modal simulation, the anchorage effect was analyzed, the interaction of multi anchor, prestress loss process of the cable, stress distribution in the slope on and after tensioning were studied. 采用物理模型试验对锚固效应进行了探讨,得出了张拉过程中的相互影响规律,锚索预应力长期变化规律,以及坡体内部土压力的响应规律。
Calculation makes the optimum overlap to 0.89. The length of interaction can increase with the decreasing of waveguide loss, which is helpful for decreasing half-wavelength voltage. 随着波导传播损耗的降低,器件调制区的长度可以做得更长,有助于进一步降低器件的半波电压。
The effect of a non-ionic surfactant on the corrosion behaviour of carbon steel and the interaction between nonionic surfactant and main inhibitors was investigated by measurement of weight loss and AC impedance in 1N HCl and 1N H_2SO_4 solutions. 本工作用失重法和交流阻抗法研究了非离子型表面活性剂平平加0-20对碳钢在1NHCL和1NH2SO4溶液中腐蚀行为的影响,以及同主体缓蚀组份之间的相互关系。
Research on the cross interaction matrix based loss allocation scheme under transmission open access 输电开放下基于交叉影响矩阵的损耗分摊方案研究
Downstream rotor-stator interaction increases the unsteady fluctuating intensities of the rotor tip clearance flow and the tip leakage loss. 下游静叶干涉增加了动叶顶部间隙流的非定常波动强度和泄漏损失。
The interaction between hydraulic turbine blades and viscous flow field is the causes of the vibrations of the blades, and the strong vibrations can lead to the occurrence of fatigue fracture and dynamic loss stability of the blades. 混流式水轮机转轮叶片与粘性流场的相互作用不仅会激发叶片的强力振动,严重时还会导致叶片产生疲劳断裂、动力失稳等影响机组安全运行的事件。
Because of taking the sound-solid interaction into account, there are more peak value in transmission loss curve. 计算结果表明,由于隔声罩内声腔与结构振动的相互作用,考虑声固耦合后,隔声罩透射损失曲线峰值较多。
The shock wave structure on top of the rotor becomes very complex and out of order due to interaction between the leakage flow and the shock wave. This out of order shock wave structure will bring high loss. 在动叶叶片顶部尾缘存在激波的情况下,尾缘激波和顶部泄漏流动相互作用使激波结构变得十分复杂和无序,这种无序的结构必然带来较大的损失。
In accordance to analysis of interaction mechanism between the ejection and the main flow, a 2-D compressible model of the turbine blade trailing edge ejection has been improved, which uses energy loss coefficient for representing the effect of the ejection on the aerodynamics of the main flow. 本文分析了叶片尾缘喷气与主流干扰的机理,改进了二维、可压缩的涡轮叶栅尾缘喷气模型,并以能量损失系数ξF来反映冷气喷射对主流的气动影响。
Based on analysis on interaction of soil with rainfall and runoff on slope land, the interacting models and mechanisms of soil nitrogen with rainfall and runoff are discussed to provide research methods and thoughts for further study on soil N loss by erosion. 从分析土壤与降雨、径流相互作用入手,分析了土壤氮素与降雨、径流相互作用过程及机理,并对相互作用模型进行探讨。
A large polarization magnitude is responsible for the strength of interaction while proper polarization rate and dielectric loss are necessary for the stability of interactions among particles. 大的极化强度确保相互作用强度,合适的极化速率和介电损耗以保证颗粒相互作用的相对稳定性。
The 2 way interactions between any two factors and the 3 way interaction had no effects on acorn loss. 任意2个因子的交互作用以及3个因子的交互作用对辽东栎坚果的丢失也都没有影响。
Therefore, the interaction between soil nitrogen and runoff is prolonged, which lead to more mineral nitrogen to be dissolved by runoff. However, the total amount of the mineral nitrogen loss by runoff is reduced. 由于秸秆覆盖使坡面径流流速减弱,增加了表层土壤与地表径流的作用强度,使溶解和解吸于径流中的矿质氮素含量增加,但由径流显著减少,矿质氮流失总量仍减少。
The TPR and TPD results indicated clearly the Pt-Ni bimetallic interaction, which could prevent the sintering and nickel loss of the catalyst, and thus improve the catalytic performances. 分析TPR和TPD数据可知,Pt-Ni双金属的相互作用阻止了催化剂的烧结和Ni的流失,提高了催化剂的活性。
The multi-resolution rendering approach could ensure real-time interaction in large-scale and complex scene without extra hard-disk space, with little loss in image quality, while less preprocessing time is required. 多分辨率绘制方法能够在保证绘制质量的前提下满足大规模复杂场景漫游的实时性要求,且预处理时间极短并无需额外硬盘空间。
The results showed that amino, hydroxyl end-chain modified SIBR enhanced intermolecular interaction. Tan δ value, storage modulus, and loss modulus did not significantly increase. In contrast, tensile strength, surface hydrophilicity properties and surface adhesive properties were significantly improved. 结果表明:链端氨基、羟基化改性后,SIBR分子间作用增强,tanδ值、储能模量和损耗模量均有所增加;拉伸强度提高,表面亲水性能和表面粘接性能显著改善。
However, this proposal is limited to interaction between TCP and network layer, without using information from MAC layer which has a serious impact on the accuracy of packet loss reason estimation. 但是,由于该方案仅局限于TCP与网络层跨层交互,并未涉及来自MAC层的信息,将严重影响丢包原因判断的准确性。
When this interaction phenomenon occurs, the local aerodynamic heat of the vehicles can be greatly intensified, which may change the aerodynamic load and increase the resistance and cause the inlet gas mass loss and so on. 当这种干扰现象发生时会加剧飞行器局部的气动加热,改变气动载荷,增大阻力和发动机进气量的损失等。